Friday, May 13, 2011

A Journey in National Zoo (part 1)

It was a fine Monday early afternoon when we arrived at the entrance of the National Zoo and we had to make one big turn to find a parking lot there. The reason?? It was a public holiday due to Labour Day which was carry forwarded to 2nd May (1st May falls on a Sunday). And to make it worse, we had to wait at entrance for at least 10 minutes as the whole parking was almost full. What a way to begin the journey :P Anyway, once we were in the parking lot managed to find a parking lot quite ealisy.Thank God!

Entrance fees was RM20 for adults with MyKad and free from my son who is just 2 years old. It was not crowded at the ticket counter and managed to get the tickets instantly However, we struggled for a while at the entrance to find a nice cap for my son as it was very hot that day! A lot of choices there and we settled for an orange Zoo Negara cap instead of all those animal caps which we doubt would make him wear if we go to other places. Suprisingly, he wore the cap throughout the whole journey as normally he does not like to wear cap.

We chose to walk instead of using the train or whatever you call it. You know, exercise laa at least once or twice a year.. :P FYI, as a history lesson for all, this is only the second time I am visiting the zoo and I am now 31 years old!! The first time was in 1992! WOW!! A gap of 19 years!! hehehe...

And the zoo was huge and we managed to visit most of the places there except for the Butterfly farm inside(separate charge of RM5). My son was pretty much excited and he was running everywhere and and had to force him to hold our hand for his safety reasons. His first visit to a zoo was when he was 1 year old in Taiping Zoo and at that time he was not very keen to look at the animals except for few of them. But this time was different.

The first animal we saw was a few different species of monkeys. The funny part was there was one smart family that was feeding some peanuts to the monkeys and the father told them that they should not feed the animals there and then he himself started to feed them. He kept on repeating the same thing while saying that they should not feed them. Too bad that I did not see any zoo keepers there if not would have complained to them.

It turned out to be quite an interesting journey as we pass through each of the animal though some of the animals were just lazing around perhaps due to the hot weather. Or maybe they were plain bored staying in the zoo and want to go back to the nature. Who knows? One lesson I learnt from this journey is to get a new lens ASAP. The kit lens is not enough to zoom far to capture the animals quite far from us especially the tigers and lions. Well, forget about the lion as it was just sleeping when we were there.

Unifi!! When my area will be covered??? Still waiting for you......
(Update : I already upgraded to Unifi in December 2011 and so far no complaints about it)

Ok, see you guys soon in my next post..till then, enjoy the photos below :

A Journey in National Zoo

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