Thursday, June 28, 2012

Well, this post is not related at all to photography but this is something relevant to my work. Recently I had an issue to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 on one of our Citrix servers in the office. 
The error code that it produced is 0x800b010b. 

After performing some troubleshooting on my own and by searching the Microsoft KBs as well as other forums, I could not find a solution at all. Finally, I had to log a case with Microsoft to find a fix for this.

And to my surprise, the solution was sooooo simple.
Check out the solution below : 

Customer unable to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 due to an interactive error, the error code is 0x800b010b.

Root Cause
VSSetup package failed to verify signature of netfx_core_x86.msi.

1.  Open a command window, and extract .NET package to a specified folder using below command:
     dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /x
2. You can install .NET Framework using below command lines:
    Install core by using command: netfx_Core_x86.msi EXTUI=1
    Install Extended by using command: netfx_Extended_x86 EXTUI=1 


And, congratulations!!! You now have successfully installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
Do let me know if you are able to install OR if you have any issues in the below comments section!


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